
User manual

How to create grammar?

Click on CREATE button which is in the upper-right corner. Otherwise, click here.

You will be able to see something as

Replace terminal symbols, nonterminal, start symbol, production rules on Latex symbols. If you don't remember it, click on the keyboard in your right hand.

MathLive supports over 800 LaTeX commands. When in Math Mode, the content is laid out using typesetting rules specific to math. For example, variables are displayed in italics, an appropriate amount of space is inserted around some letters such as "f" to improve their legibility and white spaces are ignored.
Supported TeX/LaTeX Commands.

When you’ve finished click on SAVE button.

Ready! You can edit your grammar and save it.

To list of all grammars click on Grammar in the menu.

How to search grammar?

If you would like to seek out grammar by name, use the list searcher. As shown below

List of all grammars

Filter by grammar name. For example G5.

How to remove any grammar?

Left hand side, select grammars to remove them with checkbox. So press DELETE.

How to select or edit grammar?

Click row and you can edit it.

How to create automata?

Click on CREATE button which is in the center of page. Otherwise, click here.

How to create automata?

Click on CREATE button which is in the center. Otherwise, click here.

You will able to see something as

To add a state the following code is written ' "q0": { } ', inside the brackets the inputs and their respective outputs of the state are indicated. The code would be something like ' "0": ["q0", "q1"] ', where the input would be what goes between the quotation marks and inside the braces the outputs.

When you’ve finished click on SAVE button.

As you scroll down the page, you will see the diagram of the NFA, its conversion to DFA and its minimization.