TRHEAD Whitepaper

Traceable Health Data develops a reference architecture for training ML models with consciously gathered data, ensuring traceability and privacy.


TRHEAD is a network aiming to train Machine Learning (ML) algorithms using consciously/legally collected data, keeping the traceability of the data and the operations on it isolated from the user's real identity, so that the user's privacy is respected while ensuring the provenance of the data. The trained models will be distributed as stand-alone instances of a computational notebook, which will contain the digital consent letters that allow the consumption of the data used to train them.

🧭 Mission

The path to ethical data collection should not be to protect users from every new threat that appears, but…

…to give them the tools to defend their rights and take control over their online identity while incentivizing their participation on active sensing.

🔍 Vision

We want to take advantage of the possibilities offered by Web 3.0 in order to…

…become a massive decentralized platform where companies look for ethically gathered data and users find a place where their data is valuated and their privacy respected.

⚖️ Values


In order to offer traceability without compromising the identity of the user, the process of data collection, processing and consumption can be registered in the Blockchain, taking advantage of its
immutability and consensus mechanisms to guarantee that the records are valid.

Fairness Culture

We believe that no company should be able to gather data in an indiscriminate way, even if user identity is not gathered; the power over the information must belong to the producer of the information itself.


Consent letters are usually paperwork generated by ethics committees but with TRHEAD a digital version of them would be saved into Vara Network in the shape of a Non Fungible Token (NFT). This NFT would be linked to the patient account providing him with a representation of his consent that can be distributed, exchanged for profit or


Stripes do what’s best for the organization overall.

TRHEAD Technology


EvaNotebook is a computational notebook specifically designed to operate solely within a browser environment, without the need for a client-server architecture.

It provides with tools to manage decentralized datasets and build transparent applications for a data scientist and end-users. Its design lends itself to the ETL operations but with emphasis in Web3 and Blokchain. It achieves this with the assistance of a decentralized database and incorporates various application protocols, including WebRTC, WebSockets, libP2P, and IPFS protocol via OrbitDB.

Machine Learning and data science

The main objective of TRHEAD is to train Machine Learning (ML) algorithms using consciously/legally collected medical records, keeping the traceability of the data and the operations on it isolated from the user's real identity, so that the user's privacy is respected while ensuring the provenance of the data.

Vara Network and Gear Protocol

The Vara Network is a stand-alone layer-1 decentralized network built and running on top of Gear Protocol.

Gear Protocol is a Substrate-based smart-contract platform that enables anyone to develop and run a dApp in Vara Network as well as other networks powered by the Gear Protocol’s runtime and technology.

The fast and scalable non-fork upgradable Vara Network enables the best playground for next-gen Gaming, Financial-based applications, experimental features but not only. Any other modern use cases are perfectly suited for running on Vara. Building on Vara Network is ideal for both developers already in Web3 as well as those migrating from Web2 seeking the most secure, efficient, scalable environment for deploying their decentralized applications.

Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool

Who are we?

We are a team of Computer Science graduates who want to help real people in Mexico.

Carlos Eduardo Sánchez Torres

José Ricardo Cedeño García

Ernesto Adrian Lozano de la Parra

Yulith Vanessa Altamirano Flores

Mario Parra

Find THREAD on our social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.