ipcs is an Linux user command that shows information on interprocess communication (IPC) facilities.

ipcs(1) - Linux manual page. (2022, August 31). Retrieved from https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/ipcs.1.html

# ipcs -a

It shows information about active shared memory segments, active message queues, and active semaphore sets.

# ipcs -q

It shows the information on active message queues.

# ipcs -s

It shows the information on active semaphore sets.

# ipcs -m

It shows the information on active shared memory segments.

# ipcs -m -l

It shows the information on active shared memory segments and their limits.

# ipcs -m -c

It shows the information on active shared memory segments, their creator and owner.

# ipcs -m -p

It shows the information on active shared memory segments, their creator’s PID, and the last operator.

# ipcs -s -t

It shows the information on active semaphore sets, the time of their last control operation, and the time of their last semop operation.

# ipcs -u

It shows status summary.