Distributed Systems
AI summary | This document covers various topics related to distributed systems, including the MSIS problem in graphs, Halin graphs, self-stabilizing algorithms, process resilience, reliable client-server communication, distributed commit, capacity planning, CAP theorem, monitoring and observability, security, data centers and supercomputing, autonomic computing, tutorials and assignments, and references. It also mentions simulations, electronic voting, storage systems, network file systems, cloud services, blockchain and smart contracts, Kubernetes and Docker, queue messaging, and secure multi-party computation. |
Learning ethics
What is Distributed Computing?
A distributed computer system consists of multiple software components that runs concurrently but run as a single transparent system. Real distribution is achieveed when multiple nodes uses different processing units refers to CPU, GPU, and TPU via networking. However, we can apply algorithms, architechtures in local environments. What happen with async?
"Concurrency vs Parallelism" is a useless dichotomy especially in the world of coroutines, fibers, and intelligent schedulers.
There’s a crisp mathematical distinction. Concurrency means independent interacting computations. Parallelism means independent isolated computations. This is completely orthogonal to hardware/software boundaries. You can write this down in many process calculi. For example, in the rho calculus the process P1 | … | Pn is parallel if for all 1 <= i, j <= n FN( Pi ) \cap FN( Pj ) = \empty; and concurrent otherwise. It’s sad that so little of concurrency theory has penetrated into the communities that need it most.
What sets distributed systems engineering apart is the probability of failure and, worse, the probability of partial failure. If a well-formed mutex unlock fails with an error, we can assume the process is unstable and crash it. But the failure of a distributed mutex’s unlock must be built into the lock protocol. https://www.somethingsimilar.com/2013/01/14/notes-on-distributed-systems-for-young-bloods/
Single clock and scheduler
pervasive computing
Multiprocessor Systems
Multi-core Processors
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Computing
Global Scheduler.
Design. Interfaces. Open-close principle.
High-performance distributed computing.
Pervasive systems (Supranet)
Federated systems
Servless, Blokchain
The model
A misconception is that distributed systems are microservices, indeed the latter is an implementation of the former.
Types of distribution transparency
Types of distributed systems
Grid computing.
Cloud computing.
Cluster computing.
Distributed information systems
Enterprise Application Integration
ACID properties.
Pervasive systems
Mobile systems
Embedded Devices
Sensor Networks
Why does Distributed Computing matter to you?
If you have performance issues where the process is parallelizable, you have intensive IO operations, or you need a reliable system you must check out distributed computing.
- Data engineering
- Network applications (real-time editors, offline-first systems)
- Descentralized systems
Standards, jobs, industry, roles, …
Case of study
Google File System (GFS)
@startuml !theme crt-amber class ComputerSystem class User package "Overlay networks" <<Cloud>> { class Node { location data status software process hardware device resources +process(message: Message) +send(message: Message) +receive(message: Message) } package Middleware <<Frame>> { class "Middleware" as MW { reliability networked environment communicate() transact() security(service) account(service) compose(service: Service) } package "Application 1" <<Node>> { class "Computer 1" { local operating system } } package "Application 2" <<Node>> { class "Computer 2" { local operating system } class "Computer 3" { local operating system } } package "Application 3" <<Node>> { class "Computer 4" { local operating system } } } } note left of Middleware: Operating system : Computer :: Middleware :: Distributed system class "Distributed system" as DS { trade-offs sufficiently are suffienclythe spread across network. false assumptions by Peter Deutsch, = [ the network is reliable, secure, homogenous, the topology does not change, latency is zero, bandwidth is infinite, transport cost is zero, there is one administrator ] distribution transparencies based on user needs and performance = [ {degree of grade: Float, type: 'Access'}, {degree of grade: Float, type: 'Location'}, {degree of grade: Float, type: 'Relocation'}, {degree of grade: Float, type: 'Migration'}, {degree of grade: Float, type: 'Replication'}, {degree of grade: Float, type: 'Replication'}, {degree of grade: Float, type: 'Concurrency'}, {degree of grade: Float, type: 'Failure'} ] exploit parallelism() } note right: A transparent system is Unix-like in which everything is a file class "Good Distributed system" as GoodDS { goals = [supporting resource sharing, being open, being scalable, flexibility] scalability dimensions = [size, geographical, administrative] // scalability means that X factor increases the amount of work the system keeps the same performance. opposed to a monolithic system i.e. microservices. hide(resource across a network) support(resource sharing for all kinds of groupware) separate policy from mechanism() offer(): Components based on Interface Definition Language //openess = completeness+ neutrality+interoperability+composability+etensibility scaling up() scaling out(technique: Hiding communication latencies and bandwidth restrictions | Partitioning and distribution | Replication ) span multiple administrative domains() } class DistributedInformationSystems { stable wealth of networked applications difficult interoperability entrprise-wide information } class Transaction { types = ["system call", "library procedure", "language"] atomic consistent isolated durable begin() end() abort() read() write() call() //follow logical divisions } Transaction -->"parallel" Transaction Database -->"old days, request/reply behavior" TransactionProcessingMonitor class Database DistributedInformationSystems <|--"tp monitor" Database DistributedInformationSystems <|--"exchange information directly" EnterpriseApplicationIntegration EnterpriseApplicationIntegration -->"coupling" RemoteProcedureCall EnterpriseApplicationIntegration -->"coupling" RemoteMethodInvocation EnterpriseApplicationIntegration -->"publish/subscribe" MessageOrientedMiddleware MessageOrientedMiddleware ..|> RSS DistributedInformationSystems *-- Server Clients -->"distributed transactions" Server class PervasiveSystems { unstable users and system are closer unobtrusive no system administrator. small, battery-powered, mobile nodes nodes often have a wireless connection ad hoc fashion a lot of sensors a lot of actuators } note right: Internet of Things is its marketing name class UbiquitousComputing { transparency is crucial continuously present unobtrusiveness is crucial user has more interaction, and more implicit actions, our system hides interfaces context awareness is any relevant information between the user and the system autonomy from human intervention artificial intelligence in an open environment } class MobileSystems { use wireless communication location change over time disruption-tolerant networks: connectivity is not guaranteed redundant communication } class SensorNetworks { ten to hundreds or thousands of small nodes with each other limited resources power consumption is critical operator's site or network datask queries askQueries(abstract query) } SensorNetworks --|> TinyDB SensorNetworks --|> SpecialNodes MobileSystems --|> GPS MobileSystems --|> CarEquipment MobileSystems --|> MANET PervasiveSystems <|-- UbiquitousComputing PervasiveSystems <|-- MobileSystems PervasiveSystems <|-- SensorNetworks PervasiveSystems *-- Mobile PervasiveSystems *-- EmbeddedDevices class HighPerfomance { stable } class ClusterComputing { homogeneity nodes = [...similar nodes (hardware and OS) closely connected in LAN] use(parallel and compute-intensive program) } ClusterComputing *-- MasterNode ClusterComputing *-- ComputeNode class GridComputing { federation of nodes in form the virtual organization = [...different nodes (hardware, OS, and networks)] worldwide } GridComputing *-- Applications Applications --> CollectiveLayer CollectiveLayer --> ConnectivityLayer CollectiveLayer --> ResourceLayer ConnectivityLayer --> FabricLayer ResourceLayer --> FabricLayer class CloudComputing { nodes = [...outsource()] vendors = [Google, Amazon, Azure] utility computing virtualized resources outsource(): grid nodes provide facilities() } CloudComputing -->"Software-as-a-service (Saas)" Applications Applications -->"Platform-as-a-service (Paas)" Platforms Platforms -->"Infrastructure-as-service (IaaS)" Infrastructure Infrastructure --> Hardware DS <|-- HighPerfomance DS <|-- DistributedInformationSystems DS <|-- PervasiveSystems HighPerfomance <|-- GridComputing HighPerfomance <|-- ClusterComputing GridComputing <|-- CloudComputing note right: Why? Because it is easy for users to access, share, collaborate, and exchange remote resources. class Communication class "Synchronous communication" as sc class "Asynchronous communication" as asc class "Batch-processing system" as batch class "Stream system" as stream class "Parallel work" as parallel batch --> asc parallel --> asc ComputerSystem <|--"autonomous" DS DS <|-- GoodDS Communication <|-- sc Communication <|-- asc Node <|-- "Computer 1" Node <|-- "Computer 2" Node <|-- "Computer 3" Node <|-- "Computer 4" DS *-- Node: Nodes operate as a whole the same way, no matter where, when, and how. User -right--> "single coherent system" DS Node --> Communication Communication --> Node Node --> batch Node --> stream Node --> parallel GridComputing ..|> MOSIX DS .|> ContentDeliveryNetwork ComputerSystem <|-- DecentralizedSystem class DecentralizedSystem{ resources are necessarily spread aa cross the network. } DecentralizedSystem ..|> Blockchain @enduml
Worked examples
Concurrent and Parallel Principles
Parallel and concurrent process
Primitives of concurrent programs
CPU-bound operations and IO-bound operations
Coroutines make sense for IO-bound operations because X. On the another hand, threads make sense for CPU-bound operations. Process makes sense when you would like to implement the Actor Model.
Kernel Threads and User threads are suitable for CPU-bound tasks.
Processes and Actor model
Futures, promises and the async/await pattern
Cooperative multitasking
Event driven and callbacks
Reactive programming
Asynchronous and synchronous Programming
- Synchronic operation
- Asynchronous operation
- Isochronous
Bernstein conditions for detection of parallelism
- Load Balancing
- Load Shedding
Reactive and Deliberative Systems
Logging and Distributed Management
Push-Pull vs Subscribe
Dealing with Time
Reactive programming
Functional reactive programming
Overlay Network
Shared Memory vs Message Passing
Async/await, Futures and promises, Coroutines, Channels
Formally, we said the to be idempotent if for all .
For example, suppose the operation consults the money in my bank account
you could ask for it a lot of times but always you have the same amount, so it is idempotent. However, transfer $3145 from my bank account
is not idempotent because you’re changing the state.
Model | Properties | Example |
Multi-threading | Parallelism, blocking system calls | Worker in the browsers |
Single-threaded process | No parallelism, blocking system calls | Typical synchronous function |
Finite-state machine | Parallelism, nonblocking system calls, Asynchronous operation | Event loop in the browser. |
This refers to a situation in which a task is prevented from accessing a resource that it needs, due to the actions of other tasks.
Dining philosophers problem
Fork–join model
Producer–consumer problem
Readers–writers problem
Mutual exclusion, locks or mutex
Race conditions
Global interpreter lock
Green thread
Giant lock
Symmetric multiprocessing
Actor approach
Distributed Computing Paradigms
SCOOP (Scalable COncurrent Operations in Python)
Threads, workers, processes, tasks, jobs 🟢
Concurrency patterns
Active Object
Balking pattern
Twitter Color Emoji
Double-checked locking
Guarded suspension
Leaders/followers pattern
Monitor Object
Nuclear reaction
Reactor pattern
Read write lock pattern
Scheduler pattern
Pool pattern
Given a problem that needs workers (or a pool) and one shared resource, we have two approaches based on either Queue or Mutex.
Thread-local storage
Case of study. Unix and Bash.
Case of study. JavaScript.
Event loop.
Stack, microtasks, macrotasks, promises, callbacks, html elements, and custom events, subscribers, streams
Case of study. Python.
Multiprocessing library
Case of study. Go.
Case of study. C and C++.
Message Passing Interface (MPI)
Case of study. Java.
Case of study. Haskell.
We classify programming languages as stateful and stateless to abstract the concurrent and parallel principles, even though people have named the in different ways over the years. Stateful languages are those that encourage us to assign variables, on another hand, stateless languages are those that don’t encourage us to assign variables. JavaScript, Go, and C is stateful languages meanwhile Haskell and Erlang are stateless. Immutability. Mutability.
Semigroups and monoids
Group theory in cryptography
Case of study. Erlang and Elixir.
Case of study. Scala.
Case of study. Blockchain smart contracts.
Timed Input/Output Automaton (TIOA)
Distributed algorithms
- The actor model
- Computational bridging models such as the bulk synchronous parallel (BSP) model
- Tuple spaces, e.g., Linda
- TLA+
TLA+ Language
Process calculus
Process Algebra
Algebraic Theory of Processes
Use of Formal Methods at Amazon Web Services
Chris Newcombe, Tim Rath, Fan Zhang, Bogdan Munteanu, Marc Brooker, Michael Deardeuff
Pierce, Benjamin (1996-12-21). "Foundational Calculi for Programming Languages". The Computer Science and Engineering Handbook. CRC Press. pp. 2190–2207. ISBN 0-8493-2909-4.
MIT OpenCourseWare. (2023, January 27). MIT OpenCourseWare. Retrieved from https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/6-046j-design-and-analysis-of-algorithms-spring-2015/resources/lecture-20-asynchronous-distributed-algorithms-shortest-paths-spanning-trees
Think the architecture of the systems as linear combination.
System architecture
Data stores
Summary of system design principles
- Keep it simple, stupid but flexible and functional
Architectural styles for processing
Architectural styles have two main views the software and hardware organization such that the style are a set of components connected to each other and how these are configured into a system. A component is a replaceable modular unit with interfaces [OMG, 2004b] where “replaceable” means during that system operation you can change the implementation or interface to another one, but you must consider changing interfaces is a pain in the ass. You connect them by “connector”, a mechanism that mediates communication, coordination, or cooperation among them. Some of them are remote procedure calls, message passing, or streaming data.
The needs of architectural styles depends on the style of data processing, these distinguish three different of systems based on data:
- Client/Server system. Formally, Online Transactional Processing are the systems where the client sends a query o request, and server may process the data and get back a response or result. Another way to think of, the client calls a remote procedure that lives on the server through an application protocol (e.g. HTTP). Some semantics must be accorded to deal with asynchronous, payload formats and locate entities.
Online Transactional Processing
MVC is type of client/server system.
TODO: MV* software architectures fits well with client/server systems, right?
- Batch processing systems, also known as offline systems, take a large dataset, run a job to process it, and produce some output data. Once the user submits the job, no further interaction is required, as these jobs typically take a while to finish. This is the characteristic feature of an offline system. However, jobs are often scheduled to run periodically. For example, users can set up cron jobs to run once a month for tasks such as saving backups, training machine learning models, or performing scientific experiments.
- Stream processing systems, also known as near-real-time systems, operates on events shortly after they happen. isochronous.
Data stream, Spark streaming
Now, we focus on software architecture, that is, the logical organization into software components of which the most important architectural styles are layered architecture, object-based architecture, and resource-centered architecture.
Application layering. N-tier architecture.
Topological constraints
Applicable problems
Resilience to change
Negative behaviours
Supported NFPs
Inhibited NFPs
Comparison with other architectures
Offline-first software
OLTP databases with offline-first approaches
Name | Developer | Type | Sync Central | Sync P2P | Description | License |
Couchbase Lite | Couchbase | JSON Document | Yes | Yes | Embedded/portable database, can synchronize with multiple stationary database and/or mobile devices. | Apache 2.0 License |
InterBase | Embarcadero Technologies | Relational | Dependent | Dependent | IoT Award-winning embedded/portable database, can synchronize with multiple stationary database and/or mobile devices using patent pending Change Views | Proprietary |
ObjectBox | ObjectBox Inc. | Object Database | Dependent | ? | Fast Edge Database for local data persistence, 10x faster than SQLite | Apache 2.0 / MIT |
Realm | MongoDB Inc. | Object Database | Dependent | No | Portable local database, has a synchronized mode that synchronizes (real-time) with stationary database | Core Apache 2.0 License, Sync Proprietary |
SQL Anywhere | Sybase iAnywhere | Relational | Dependent | No | Embedded/portable database, can synchronize with stationary database | Proprietary |
DB2 Everyplace | IBM | Relational | Dependent | No | Portable, can synchronize with stationary database | Proprietary EULA |
SQL Server Compact | Microsoft | Relational | No | No | Small-footprint embedded/portable database for Microsoft Windows mobile devices and desktops, supports synchronization with Microsoft SQL Server | Proprietary |
SQL Server Express | Microsoft | Relational | No | No | Embedded database, free download | Proprietary |
Oracle Database Lite | Oracle Corporation | Relational | No | No | Portable, can synchronize with stationary database | Proprietary |
SQLite | D. Richard Hipp | Relational | No | No | C programming library | Public domain |
SQLBase | Gupta Technologies LLC of Redwood Shores, California | No | No | Proprietary | ||
Sparksee (graph database) | Sparsity Technologies | Graph Database | No | No | Graph Database. Written in C++98. | Proprietary |
RxDB | RxDB | JSON Document | Yes | Yes | Offline-first, reactive database for JavaScript applications | Apache 2.0 License |
PouchDB | Apache Software Foundation | JSON Document | Yes | Yes | Offline-first database designed to sync with CouchDB and compatible servers | Apache 2.0 License |
Mobile database
Object-based and service-oriented architectures
Monoliths and microservices
@startuml component Service1 { node Machine1 node Machine2 node Machine3 interface interface1 folder code1 database service1 } component Service2 { node Machine4 node Machine5 node Machine6 folder code2 interface interface2 database service2 } component Service3 { node Machine7 node Machine8 node Machine9 folder code3 interface interface3 database service3 } component SomeFrontOffice<<Mashup>> { interface UserInterface } note right: For example, a Web app component AnotherFrontEnd { interface UserInterface2 } note right: For example, a Mobile app or Desktop cloud CloudVendor actor "User" UserInterface --> interface1 UserInterface --> interface2 UserInterface --> interface3 UserInterface --> CloudVendor User --> UserInterface User --> UserInterface2 UserInterface2 --> interface1 @enduml
Resources-based architectures
Middleware organization
Sharding and replication mechanisms
Ranged/dynamic sharding
Algorithmic/hashed sharding
Directory sharding
Geography-based sharding
Decentralized organizations
P2P systems
Overlay network
Bootstrapping node
Batch processing
A job or batch refers to a process that is executed offline, meaning it requires no user interaction, but it will run under certain conditions or events, often based on time, though this is not always necessary. We execute jobs when we need to handle a large amount of data for the task at hand. For instance, typical batch operations include DataOps tasks, data governance, and machine learning training, which ingest large amounts of data for downstream consumption.
The hardware matters with you do Deep Learning, namely, you should choose wisely CPU, GPU, TPU.
Distributed massive processing. The map-reduce algorithm.
How can I fit big massive datasets?
Batch Size
Cluster Architecture
Machine Learning, Statistics
Pipe-filter architecture
Unix philosophy, HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System). All-reduce algorithm. The two main problems that bash processsing programmers need to solve are: Partitioning and fault tolerance. Collective operation. GFS.
Message Passing Interface (MPI).
Google Map-Reduce → Hadooop → Spark
Data engineering. v. DataOps.
Kafka, Flink, Spark, Pulsar, etc
Amazon Kinesis, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, Google Cloud Dataflow
Workflow orchestrators and Scheduler
Pipes and Dags
Apache AirFlow
Apache Oozie
Cron Job
Queue architecture
When you prefer a simple approach, a queue architecture can be a good fit. Either a user or another job can dispatch a job to a queue, which could be managed by Redis, Beanstalkd, Amazon's Simple Queue Service (SQS), or even a database table. Meanwhile, your application employs a queue worker, which processes and filters jobs in the background based on certain criteria such as priority. The queue worker can be a new thread, a new process, or an event if you're managing an event loop in a single-thread language.
Quees with delays.
Stream processing
Event-driven architecture
Event loop
Micro task and Macro task
Event Queue
Inbox and outbox pattern
System design patterns
Blackboard Architecture
Server-driven ui
PipeFilter.pdf and DAGS
PlugIn and dependencies
Plugins have an life cycle, events and commonn API.
Dependency maanger
Examples are Linux Kernel Modules
Case of studies for system design
Robbert Van Renesse, Kenneth P. Birman, and Werner Vogels. 2003. Astrolabe: A robust and scalable technology for distributed system monitoring, management, and data mining. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 21, 2 (May 2003), 164–206. https://doi.org/10.1145/762483.762485
Globule – Scalable Web application hosting. (2023, February 09). Retrieved from http://www.globule.org
Jade Site | Java Agent DEvelopment Framework. (2023, February 09). Retrieved from https://jade.tilab.com
https://dxos.org/ provides developers with everything they need to build real-time, collaborative apps which run entirely on the client, and communicate peer-to-peer, without servers.
WebSocket, WebRTC, SFU (MediaSoup), SIP (Kamailio), RTP
@startmindmap !theme superhero * Architectures ** What it is? *** Software and hardware components, their organization, and connection. *** Component is a modular unit with an interface replaceable. **** The interface ought to be replaceable in runtime. *** Connection is a set of mechanisms that coordinates components. ** Why? *** Because it is a universal principle subdividing a complex system into different layers and components. ** Who is a system designer or architect? and what does? *** She or he chooses, organizes and implements key **** Protocols **** Interfaces **** Services **** States (e.g. databases) **** Components **** Orchestration ** Architectural styles *** Layered architectures **** What? ***** Components on a level or layer i call lower-level layers j, that is, j < i ***** It can be async or sync communication ***** Monolith ***** Vertical distribution **** Why? ***** It is the most popular architecture. ***** Simple to develop. ***** Simple to deploy. ***** Simple testing. **** Challenges ***** Strong dependency among layers ***** Hard to scale ***** Redeploy the entire **** Whether it is? ***** Communication-protocol stacks ****** Standard Protocols with different implementations ***** The Web ***** Application layering ****** Multitiered architectures ****** Simple client-server architecture. ******* Request-reply behavior ***** Sun Microsystem’s Network File System (NFS) ****** Traditional MVC ******* User-interface level or views ******* Processing level or controllers ******* Models or data level *** Service-oriented architectures **** What? ***** Organization into separate, independent entities that encapsulates a service. ***** independent processes ***** independent threads **** Why? ***** Loose dependency among services **** Whether it is? ***** Services ***** Objects ****** OOP approach based on network, that is distributed objects and proxies. ****** Technologies ******* SOAP ******* RPC ******* CORBA ***** Microservices ****** What is it? ******* A lot of small, mutually independent, and encapsulated services. ******** Size does matter! ******* Each of them runs on a separate network and process. ******* Modularization is key ****** Why? ******* Better scaling ******* New technologies ******* Frequent releases ****** Challenges ******* Slower deployment ******* Service discovery ******* Complex configs ****** Technologies ******* Docker ******* Kubernetes ******* Openshift ******* Istio ***** Coarse-grained service composition ****** What is it? ******* A kind of microservice architecture ******** But some services may not belong to the same organization ****** Why? ******* Our organization serves a Service composition based on a cloud provider. ****** Challenges ******* Service harmony ****** Whether it is? ******* Cloud computing ***** Resource-based architectures ****** What is it? ******* A collection of resources managed by remote components by CRUD operations ****** Whether it is? ******* GraphQL ******** Queries and Mutations ******** Types ******* Representational State Transfer (REST) ******** PUT, POST, GET, DELETE ******** Users identify resources by a single naming scheme ******** Services offer the same interface as the four operations ******** Messages are fully self-described ******** Stateless execution, that is, after an operation, the component forgets the caller. ******** Based on HTTP *** Publish-subscribe architectures **** What is it? ***** Strong separation between processing and coordination ***** The system is a collection of autonomous processes. ***** Temporal dimension ***** Processes must be running at the same time. ***** Referential dimension ****** Exists reference between processes such as name or an identifier **** Whether it is? ***** Topic-based publish-subscribe systems ***** Content-based publish-subscribe systems ***** Event bus systems ***** RSS ***** Mailbox ***** Shared data space ****** Linda (coordination language) ****** Qlib-Server ***** Map-Reducers schemes ****** GFS ****** Hadoop ***** Reactive schemes ****** RXJS ***** Stream schemes ****** Cell phones ** Middleware *** Goal **** Achieve the open-close principle *** Design patterns **** Wrappers or Adapters ***** What it is? ****** Special component that offers an acceptable interface. ****** It solves the problem of incompatible interfaces. **** Why? ***** Allow the construction of adaptive software. ***** Whether it is? ****** A broker that centralizes wrappers. O(n) wrappers. ****** A wrapper by each client. O(n^2) wrappers. **** Interceptors ***** What is it? ****** A software that breaks the flows and executes another software. ***** Whether it is? ****** Proxy JavaScript ** Symmetrically distributed architectures *** What is? **** Horizontal distribution **** Peer is a client and server at the same time, that is, a servant. *** Structured peer-to-peer systems **** Attempt to maintain a specific, deterministic overlay network. **** Distributed hash tables and hypercubes *** Unstructured peer-to-peer systems **** Each node maintains an ad hoc list of neighbors. **** Random graph ***** Flooding ***** Random walks *** Hierarchically organized peer-to-peer networks **** Supernodes and leader election problem **** Whether it is? ***** BitTorrent ** Hybrid system architectures *** Cloud computing **** Outsourcing local computing ***** Contrary to on-promise services **** Service-level agreements ***** Hardware ***** Infrastructure (IaaS) ***** Platform (PaaS) ***** Function (FaaS) ***** Application (SaaS) *** The edge-cloud architecture **** Internet-of-Things (IoT) *** Blockchain architecture **** The principle operation of a blockchain ***** A node broadcasts a transaction ***** A validator collects transactions into a block ***** A single validated block is broadcast of all the nodes @endmindmap
Worked examples
Threads in distributed systems
The most important thread property is allowing blocking system calls but not blocking the entire process in which the thread is running because it makes it much easier to express multiple logical connections at the same time.
If you must establish a high degree of distribution transparency on the client side, that is, you should hide the communication latencies, then the most common is to initiate the communication right off the bat, display something quickly to users, and not block the user interface. All together can be done via threads.
Replicated calls from a client
A replicate call is a remote procedure call (RPC) between a node and the replicas, that is, the other nodes in the system that holds a copy of the data or chunk being requested, where a response may or may not be received due to system design or network problems.
Typically, a replicated call refers to a situation where multiple replicas of a server-side application are involved in processing a client's request.
@startuml title Replicated Calls actor Client entity "Proxy, request-level interceptor" as Proxy database Replica1 database Replica2 database Replica3 note over Replica1, Replica2: A replica is a node that holds a copy of data or a chunk of it. Client->Proxy: B.request(query,data) // read or write the data group n replicated calls Proxy->Replica1: Forward request Proxy->Replica2: Forward request Proxy->Replica3: Forward request end Replica1->Proxy: Send response Replica2->Proxy: Send response Replica2->Proxy: Send response Proxy->Client: It applies a pipe() to responses, for example, it could send either the first response, or the last response, or combines all responses if you need agreement or chunks from replicas. @enduml
Web browser
Rates Limits
Window X
Window X designates a user’s terminal as hosting the server, while the application is known as the client. It makes sense because on one hand there is a limited resource and $n$ applications wanting to access them, so the Windows X server coordinates the clients and resource interruptions.
Reverse proxies and loading balancers
traefik, ngrok, …
API Gateways
Queue Theory
Cache, materialization and Content Delivery Network
An alternative solution to Caching stratagies
Filters are probabilistic data structures
Code migration and mobility
Remote execution and Code-on demand
Mobile Agent
Checkpoint and restore
Actor model
Queue system analysis
Job scheduler
@startmindmap * Processes ** What is it? *** A program in execution ** How can we develop cooperative programs? *** IPC ** Important advantage over threads *** Processes don't share the data space ** Threads *** Why? **** We require hiding blocking operations **** We must exploit a multicore system **** Threads offer easier communication to each other and performance than process *** When the operating system execute them? **** Context Switching **** Thread Switching **** User space *** Model **** 1 process: N user-space threads: M kernel space threads: U cores ** Virtualization *** What? **** A proxy that mimics the behavior of another system interface ***** Instruction set architecture (ISA) ***** System calls ***** Application programming interface (API) ***** The software environment *** Why? **** Portability ***** Isolation ***** You're decoupling hardware and software ***** Reproducible **** Maintain legacy projects **** Flexibility to change underlying systems *** Whether it is? **** A process virtual machine ***** Runtime system ****** Java ***** Emulation ****** Wine Linux **** A native virtual machine monitor **** A hosted virtual machine monitor **** Containers ***** Unix mechanisms ****** chroot ****** namespaces ****** union file system ****** control groups ***** Docker+Kubernetes ***** Linux containers (LXC) ***** PlanetLab (Vservers) **** Nix ** Client architecture *** Networked user interfaces **** Users interact with remote servers ***** by a specific protocol ***** by an independent protocol **** Whether it is? ***** X Window System *** Virtual desktop environment **** The user has software to access the virtual desktop environment **** Whether it is? ***** Chrome OS ***** Web Browser *** Client-side software for distribution transparency ** Server architecture *** It waits for incoming requests and takes care of them. *** General design issues **** Synchronization ***** Iterative or sync ***** Concurrent or async **** Contacting **** Interrupting **** State ***** Stateless ***** Stateful *** Object servers **** The server provides an interface to invoke local objects ***** Activation policies ***** Mechanism, Object adapter **** Whether it is? ***** The Ice Runtime system ***** The Apache Web Server *** Server clusters **** A set of machines connected through a network ** Code migration *** An process is moved from one node to another. *** Reasons **** Performance **** Privacy and security **** Flexibility *** Models **** Sender-initiated migration **** Receiver-initiated migration *** Migration in heterogeneous systems **** Process virtual machine @endmindmap
Rate Limiting
Communication protocols supported by browers
Server-Sent Events (SSE)
Websockets and WebSocket Secure
HTTP (1,2,3) and HTTPS
File URI scheme
Marionette Remote Protocol, WebDriver, and BiDi
Data URI Scheme
Magnet Links
Push API
TODO: Media Source Extensions (MSE)
WebSocket-to-TCP Proxy
Routing algorithms
Deadlock-free packet switching
Wave and Traversal Algorithms
Election algorithms
Termination detection
Anonymous Networks
Sense of direction and orientation
Synchrony in networks
Remote procedure call (RPC)
A remote procedure call is a transparent function or method call that internally sends and receives data from remote processes. It must hide the message-passing nature of network communication. You can find a lot of RPC examples such as REST, SOAP, gRPC, Ajax in Web Browsers, graphQL, CORBA, and Trihft.
Message-oriented communication
Multicast communication
Worked examples
@startmindmap !theme materia * Communication ** OSI Model *** What is it? **** Communication protocols ***** Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data link, Physical ***** Message = payload + header for each protocol **** Middleware protocols ***** What is it? ****** General-purpose protocols that warrant their own layer ***** Examples ****** DNS ****** Authentication and authorization protocols *** Why? **** It allows thinking about open systems to communicate with each other *** Examples **** Connectionless services ***** Email **** Connection-oriented communication ***** Telephone ** Remote procedure call *** Why? **** Achieve transparency *** What is it? **** The real implementation is executed in another node over a network *** Examples **** API REST **** GraphQL **** gRPC **** CORBA **** Ajax in browsers *** How? **** Local stub communicates with the server via passing messages **** Transport Procedure Call **** Transparent calls **** Marshaling and Serialization **** Interface Definition Language (IDL) ***** Issue ****** Code migration and references ** Message-oriented communication *** Issues **** Does the communication persist? **** Is the communication synchronous? *** How? **** Async communication **** Sync communication **** Technologies ***** Socket interfaces ***** Blocking calls *** Solution **** Design Patterns ***** Pipeline pattern ***** Publish-subscribe pattern ***** Request-reply pattern ***** Message-queuing systems ***** Message brokers **** Message-oriented middleware ***** When? ****** When the RPCs are not appropriate. ***** Examples ****** MQTT ****** ZeroMQ ****** The Message-Passing Interface (MPI) ** Multicast comunication *** What is it? **** Disseminate information across multiple subscribers. **** Examples ***** IPFS *** How? **** Peer-to-peer system ***** Structured overlay network ***** Every peer sets up a tree ***** Distributed hash table (DHT), Distributed data **** Flooding messages across the network **** Epidemic protocols ***** Simple ***** Robust @endmindmap
UUID, Snowflake IDs, ULIDs, or even NanoIDs
Should be the naming either descentralized or centralized?
Service Discovery
Identificadores bibliográficos (ISBN, ISSN, DOI, URI): PURL
Flat naming
Chord ring
It employs random m-bit identifier space | Distributed hash table (key, value) key is a m-bit identifier space, the entities can be files, processes, etc. | finger_table node_set __succ(key) find(key) set(key, value) |
What happens when a node joins and leaves the ring? | An entity with key k falls under the jurisdiction of the node with the smallest identifier | finger_table: index → succ(node_id+2^(index-1)) |
node-set is the sorted set of nodes known by a specific Chord node. | The values are shared among the nodes instead of relaying in one node. | The node set is the reference to a subset of nodes. |
The keys and node identifiers are in the same space. | The pred(p) is the node's previous to p in the ring. |
Structured naming
Attribute-based naming
Worked examples
mindmap root((Naming)) (Names) What? It identifies entities Whether it is? Processes Users Network connections How? Naming system ::icon(fa fa-ear-listen) Access point or address Location independent ::icon(fa fa-location-dot) (Flat naming) What? Names are random bit strings Good for machines How? Broadcasting Multicasting Forwarding pointers (Home-based approaches) Distributed hash tables Exploting network proximity Hierachical approaches Secure flat naming (Structured naming) What? Good for humans Naming systems How? Name spaces ::icon(fa fa-diagram-project) Name resolution Closure mechanism Linking and mounting Name space distribution Whether it is? DNS (Attribute-based naming) What? Search based on a description ("(Attribute, value)") How? Directory services Decentralzied implementations (Space-filling curves) Whether it is? Resource Description Framework Lightweight Directory Acess Protocol Mermaid (Named-data networking) What? (Information-centric networking) Get a copy to access it locally How? New routing
Consistent Hashing
Clock synchronization
Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System
Leslie Lamport
Communications of the ACM
July 1978, Volume 21, Number 7, pages 558-565
Geography systems
Choosing location
Location tracking
location-aware authentication
mindmap root((Coordination)) [Clock synchronization] What? It's doing the right thing at the right time Why? Data synchronization Process synchronization Time is so basic to the way people think Examples File timestamps Financial brokerage Security auditing Collaborative sensing Real time systems [Physical clocks] What? A computer timer made by machined quartz crystal Counter, Holding and Clock Ticks CMOS RAM Issues Leap second Clock skew Examples Coordinated Universal Time Exchaning clock values [Logical clocks] What? It's unnecessary knowing the absolute time, but Related events at different procceses happen in the correct order How? Each event e, is assigned an unique timestamp C e Examples Lamport clocks Vector tunestano [Mutual exclusion] What? At most one process at a time has access to a shared resource. How? It can be achieved easily with a coordinator. A fully distributed algorithms exist, but it can go wrong. [Election algorithms] What? Election algorithm choose a new leader in a DS. Why? If the coordinator is not fixed, it is necessary choose a coordinator. When the coordinator crash, you must choose a new leader. [Gossip-based coordination] What? Coordinate a peer to peer system. How? Choose another peer randomly from an entire overlay. Partial view is refreshed regularly and randomly. Examples Routing Tribler [Distributed event matching] What? To route notifications to proper subscribers. How? One to one comparisons by topic Content based matching Examples Publish subscribe systems [Location systems] What? Take proximity into account Examples Global Positioning System Logical positioning of nodes Network coordinate system Wigle database Centralized positioning Decentralized positioning
Worked example
Process 1 and Process 2 behave same, however, it depends both are fullfilled and they ocurrs in different order. Let S0,S1,S2 those states that are in we definite transitions the global state of system as follow:
P1 P2 P1 P2
[S0,S1] -> [S1,S2]
[S1,S2] -> [S2,S0]
[S2,S0] -> [S0,S1]
Consistency and replication
Stateless and stateful
Atomic objects
Fault tolerance
Fault Tolerance in Distributed systems
Case of study
VMware FT
Circuit Breaker Design Pattern
Fault tolerance
Single point of failure
Fault tolerance in Asynchronous systems
Fault tolerance in Synchronous systems
Failure detection
Disaster recovery
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO)
Circuit breaker
Self-stabilization is a desirable property in distributed algorithms. It refers to the ability of a system to recover from illegitimate states to legitimate states without external intervention. This property can be particularly useful in systems where there may be faults, or in systems that start in an illegitimate state.
The Maximal Strongly Independent Set (MSIS) problem in graphs is a well-known NP-hard problem in graph theory and computer science. The MSIS is a subset of nodes such that no node is adjacent to all nodes in the MSIS, an none of them can be added to the independent set without violating this property.
Halin graphs are a particular class of graphs, named after the mathematician Rudolf Halin, which are constructed from a rooted planar tree by embedding a cycle through all the leaves.
A self-stabilizing algorithm for the MSIS problem in geometric Halin graphs could be developed iteratively, where the nodes of the graph update their status based on the states of their neighbors until the system reaches a stable state. A key consideration here would be ensuring that the algorithm is efficient, i.e., it converges quickly and uses a minimal amount of resources.
Process resilience
Reliable client-server communication
Distributed commit
Capacity Planning
CAP theorem
Critical systems
Aircraft systems
Ship systems
Nuclear systems
Monitoring and observability
Observability is a technique used to observe the state of a system based on metrics, logs, and traces in a distributed system. On the other hand, monitoring consists of checking processes and analyzing metrics over a period of time in a monolithic. systems. Therefore, monitoring tasks are a subset of Observability tasks.
Event logs
packet captures
firewall logs
New relic
Operating system journals
Grafapha and Prometheus
R. E. Kalman, “On the General Theory of Control Systems,” Proceedings of the First International Congress on Automatic Control, Butterworth, London, 1960, pp. 481-493.
Observability at Twitter https://blog.twitter.com/engineering/en_us/a/2013/observability-at-twitter, https://blog.twitter.com/engineering/en_us/a/2016/observability-at-twitter-technical-overview-part-i
Practical Monitoring by Mike Julian
The Art of Monitoring by James Turnbull
Data centers, supercomputing and HPC
Computer cluster
Lustre, Ceph
job scheduler . Workload Manager
Autonomic computing
cellular automaton
Von Neumann universal constructor
Logical universaility
Codd's cellular automaton
Poslad, Nami, Sharifi, IBM, Von Neunmann proposes that autonomic computing system has the properties:
- Self-Configuration.
- Self-Healing (error correction). Self-stabilization.
- Self-Optimization (automatic resource control for optimal functioning). Evolution.
- Self-Protection (identification and protection from attacks in a proactive manner).
- Self-creation (also called Self-assembly, Self-replication)
- Self-learning
- Self-awareness (also called Self-inspection and Self-decision)
- Self-management (also called self-governance)
- Self-description (also called self-explanation or Self-representation)
Von Neumann, J., & Burks, A. W. (1966). Theory of self-reproducing automata. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 5(1), 3-14.
Kephart, J.O.; Chess, D.M. (2003), "The vision of autonomic computing", Computer, 36: 41–52, CiteSeerX, doi:10.1109/MC.2003.1160055
Poslad, Stefan (2009). Autonomous systems and Artificial Life, In: Ubiquitous Computing Smart Devices, Smart Environments and Smart Interaction. Wiley. pp. 317–341. ISBN 978-0-470-03560-3. Archived from the original on 2014-12-10. Retrieved 2015-03-17.
Nami, M.R.; Sharifi, M. (2007). "A survey of autonomic computing systems". Intelligent Information Processing III. Third International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS'07). IFIP International Federation for Information Processing. Vol. 228. pp. 26–30. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-44641-7_11. ISBN 978-0-387-44639-4. S2CID 6974127.
Tutorials and assignments
We will explore some alternatives to perform distributed computing, both locally and in a network, starting from the most basic approaches and progressing to the use of the most feature-rich libraries.
The “&” operator
(sleep 1 && echo "abc") & (sleep 2 && echo "def") & (echo "efg")
GNU parallel
In my opinion, GNU Parallel works well for complex tasks when run locally, but it can be difficult to use on a cluster. You can see for yourself using https://www.msi.umn.edu/support/faq/how-can-i-use-gnu-parallel-run-lot-commands-parallel.
cd /tmp/ && touch {1..5}.my_random_file | find . -type f -name '*.my_random_file' | parallel gzip --best
parallel echo ::: 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 🥲 done!
touch images.txt && parallel printf 'https://picsum.photos/200/300\\n%.0s' ::: {1..1000} | parallel -j+0 -k "echo {} | tee -a images.txt" && cat images.txt | parallel wget
touch images.txt && parallel -j+0 "printf 'https://picsum.photos/200/300\\n%.0s'" ::: {1..2} | parallel -j+0 "echo {} >> images.txt" && parallel -a images.txt -j+0 wget
cat images.txt | xargs -n 1 -P 10 curl -s | gawk '{print $1}'
On the other hand, Ray performs well for complex tasks on an on-premise cluster, but when used locally, it can be overwhelming.
A distributed Hello World program
Network File System
Hadoop and Spark
Open MPI
Low-level alternative
Location-addressing approach vs content addressing
Content identifier
Peer. A participant in a decentralized network that is equally privileged.
Cloud services
Blockchain and smart contracts
Kubernetes and docker
Queue messaging
Message broker
Quality of service
OASIS (organization)
Apache Kafka
WebSphere MQ
Quality of service
Message-oriented middleware
Message queuing service
Your own map-reducer
URL Shortener
Chat app
Video Streaming app
Transportation app
Other Alternatives
Object storage
1. Network Attached Storage (NAS) - a file-level storage architecture that allows multiple users to access shared files over a network.
2. Distributed File System (DFS) - a protocol that allows users to access files on multiple servers as if they were on a single shared drive.
3. iSCSI (Internet Small Computer System Interface) - a protocol used for connecting storage devices over a network as if they were directly attached to a computer.
4. Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) - a protocol used for direct memory access between servers over a network, often used for high-performance computing and data-intensive applications.
6. AFS (Andrew File System) - a distributed file system designed for large-scale collaboration and data sharing built by Carnegie Mellon University
8. GlusterFS - a distributed file system designed for scalability and high availability, often used for cloud computing and big data applications.
9. Lustre - a parallel distributed file system designed for high-performance computing and scientific applications.
10. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) - a protocol used for transferring files over a network, often used for website hosting.
version: '3'
image: atmoz/sftp
- "2222:22"
SFTP_USERS: sftpuser:pass:1001:/data
- /path/to/sftpdata:/data
11. WebNative FileSystem (WNFS)
- MinIO - an open-source, self-hosted cloud-based object storage service that can be deployed on-premises or in a cloud environment.
- S3
- Ceph - an open-source, software-defined storage system that can be used to create a distributed object store.
- OpenStack Swift - an open-source object storage system that can be used to create a scalable and highly available object-store.
- Apache Cassandra - a distributed NoSQL database system that can be used to store and retrieve large amounts of data.
- GlusterFS - an open-source, distributed file system that can be used to create a scalable and highly available object store.
- Riak KV - an open-source, distributed NoSQL database system that can be used to store and retrieve large amounts of data.
- OpenIO - an open source, object storage, and data management platform that can be used to store and retrieve large amounts of data.
- Scality Ring - an open-source, distributed storage system that can be used to create a highly available and scalable object store.
- SwiftStack - an open-source, software-defined storage system that can be used to create a distributed object store.
- Nextcloud Object Storage - an open-source, self-hosted cloud storage system that includes an object storage component that can be used to store and retrieve large amounts of data.
- SSH and RSYNC over SSH
version: "2.1"
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/openssh-server:latest
container_name: openssh-server
hostname: openssh-server #optional
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=Etc/UTC
- ./config:/config
- 2222:2222
restart: unless-stopped
- Network File System
- Server Message Block (SMB) and CIFS/SMB
- BitTorrent Sync
- Atom (web standard)
- Content Management Interoperability Services
- Linked Data Platform
- Unison File Synchronizer https://github.com/bcpierce00/unison
- netcat (nc)
nc -lk 1234 < ~/shared
Storage Area Network
Electronic voting
Next steps
Tanenbaum, Andrew S.; Steen, Maarten van (2002). Distributed systems: principles and paradigms. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-088893-1. Archived from the original on 2020-08-12. Retrieved 2020-08-28.
6.5840 Home Page: Spring 2023. (2023, January 19). Retrieved from https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.824
"Distributed Programs". Texts in Computer Science. London: Springer London. 2010. pp. 373–406. doi:10.1007/978-1-84882-745-5_11. ISBN 978-1-84882-744-8. ISSN 1868-0941.
Lynch, Nancy. Distributed Algorithms. Burlington, MA: Morgan Kaufmann, 1996. ISBN:9781558603486.
Attiya, Hagit, and Jennifer Welch. Distributed Computing: Fundamentals, Simulations, and Advanced Topics. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Wiley-Interscience, 2004. ISBN: 9780471453246.
Herlihy, Maurice, and Nir Shavit. The Art of Multiprocessor Programming. Burlington, MA: Morgan Kaufmann, 2008. ISBN: 9780123705914.
Guerraoui, Rachid, and Michal Kapalka. Transactional Memory: The Theory. San Rafael, CA: Morgan and Claypool, 2010. ISBN: 9781608450114.
Dolev, Shlomi. Self-Stabilization. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000. ISBN:9780262041782.
Kaynar, Disun, Nancy Lynch, Roberto Segala, and Frits Vaandrager. The Theory of Timed I/O Automata. 2nd ed. San Rafael, CA: Morgan and Claypool, 2010. ISBN:9781608450022. https://groups.csail.mit.edu/tds/papers/Lynch/Monograph-second-edition.pdf
MIT 6.033
MIT 6.5840
MIT 6.824. (2023, January 27). MIT OpenCourseWare. Retrieved from https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/6-824-distributed-computer-systems-engineering-spring-2006
Systems, Mit 6. 824: Distributed. "Lecture 1: Introduction." YouTube, 6 Feb. 2020, www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQP8WApzIQQ&list=PLrw6a1wE39_tb2fErI4-WkMbsvGQk9_UB&ab_channel=MIT6.824%3ADistributedSystems.
Saltzer and Kaashoek's Principles of Computer System Design: An Introduction (Morgan Kaufmann
Nancy Lynch, Michael Merritt, William Weihl, and Alan Fekete. Atomic Transactions. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1994.
MIT OpenCourseWare. (2023, January 27). MIT OpenCourseWare. Retrieved from https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/6-852j-distributed-algorithms-fall-2009
cs6234-16-pds https://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~rahul/allfiles/cs6234-16-pds.pdf
Stevens, W. Richard, Bill Fenner, and Andrew M. Rudoff. UNIX Network Programming, Vol. 1: The Sockets Networking API. 3rd ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003. ISBN: 9780131411555.
McKusick, Marshall Kirk, Keith Bostic, Michael J. Karels, and John S. Quarterman. The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Professional, 1996. ISBN: 9780201549799.
Stevens, W. Richard, and Stephen Rago. Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment. 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005. ISBN: 9780201433074.
Indrasiri, K., & Suhothayan, S. (2021). Design Patterns for Cloud Native Applications. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
. "Distributed Systems lecture series." YouTube, 31 Jan. 2023, www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeKd45zvjcDFUEv_ohr_HdUFe97RItdiB.
IPFS and libp2p
Secure multi-party computation