Assignment 2.2 Fracking
Josh Fox explores the environmental and public health impacts of fracking in his documentary, GASLAND. Fracking is a modern technique to extract oil, natural gas, geothermal energy, or water drilling underground. The United States companies have been using it since 1947, it since then, fracking has become widespread and controversial in other parts of the world.
Josh Fox interviewed United States citizens who have been affected by fracking, how the petroleum industry has contaminated drinking water, air, and land, and caused serious illnesses in people and animals. For example, the injection into the rock causes minor earth tremors or the technique uses huge amounts of water.
The documentary also examines the role of government in overseeing the petroleum industry, and how economic interests have prevailed over public health and the environment. Green campaigners say the government is distracted from investing in renewable sources of energy.
The issue of fracking and its potential impact on the environment and public health is a significant concern in many countries, including Mexico. It is crucial for policymakers, industry leaders, and communities to work all together to develop sustainable solutions that protect public health and the environment while promoting economic growth. The documentary GASLAND serves as a reminder of the urgent need to address these critical issues and take action to protect our planet for future generations.
In Mexico, PEMEX has made an inversion of US$788 million on projects that require hydraulic fracturing recently, so the modern fuel extraction technique might become Pemex a more competitive company insofar as it leads to environmental damage and unlivable communities. This a tradeoff that every country has started to think about, in Mexico's case, we choose the first one.
Even though some civil organizations wish for the Fracking prohibition, our world and technological progress depends on energy and thereby petroleum and gas. Given the evidence available, the best solution that there is currently is Nuclear Energy.
BBC News. (2022). What is fracking and why is it controversial? BBC News. Retrieved from
Independent Petroleum Association of America | Hydraulic Fracturing. (2023, February 24). Retrieved from
"Is Fracking Getting The Green Light In Mexico?" Mexico Business, 24 Feb. 2023, .
. "GASLAND - LA TIERRA DEL GAS (Subtítulos Español)." YouTube, 27 Feb. 2023,ÚneteAlPlaneta|JoinThePlanet.