Aprender a aprender
Entra mas rapido puedas aprender, mas rapido puedes ganar.
- Notion
- Miro
- Think, search on Google and ask then.
Al despertar
- Recordar suenos
- Haz la cama
- Lavar los dientes con la mano no domintante
- Hidratarse
- Tomar una ducha fria
- Preparar te o smottie optimizado
- Escribir diario:
- 3 metas principales.
- Que no hacer.
9. Leer.
10. Meditacion.
11, Ejercicio.
Durante el dia
- Una buena dieta: nutritientes.
- Matar las penas.
- Eliminar personas negativas.gg
- Ambiente limpio.
- Dormir. 6 horas.
- Retar tu cerebro. Salir de la zona de confort
- Manejo de estres
- Aguacate
- Arandanos
- Brocoli
- Aceite de coco
- Huevos
- Salmon
- Curcuma
- Noontropicos
- Nueces
- Chocolate negro
La emocion + informacion = memoria a largo plazo
- Metodo LOCI
- Motivar, estudiar y mecanizar.
- No es retencion, es atencion. Escucha y lee.
- Hablar en voz alta.
- Visualizar: menta o imagenes
- Practica lo que aprendas.
- Repetir.
- Ver el contexto.
- Acronimos.
- Ensenar.
- Examenes.
- Busca un metodo de trabajo.
- Crear un proyecto.
- Work break. 25 minutes - 5 minutes.
- Reward system.
- Dedicated study area.
-Studying in the bedroom will make you get bored after a bit and make you sleepy wanting to sleep. Sirens calling you from bed to take a nap. The primary function of the bedroom is to sleep.
-The primary function of the dining table/kitchen. Is eating.
-The primary function of the living room. Social/tv/games
-When asking you a direct question in a classroom setting you don't raise your hand. You answer right away because of behavior training.
If he were to ask the whole class everyone would raise their hand but social cues with direct questions make you answer right away.
Because we are behaviourally reinforced to do so. Without knowing it.
-Take a lamp, write a sign on it that says Study lamp. And use it only for studying; only when you turn it on. The moment you start to lose your edge while studying(5-10-20-25-30 minutes later), turn off your lamp get up and walk away.
-Break it up into small chunks and reinforce it, create a study area.
17. Active learning.
The more active you are in your learning the more effective
The way to learn efficiently; Is it a concept or a fact? A fact is a discreet little piece of information.
- If you know the concept you can always look up the fact after. Concepts are what make you effective at studying.
- Can you put the concept in your own words? If you can't then you don't really understand it. It's not meaningful to you. Not making it meaningful is a struggle which is a waste of study time.
Example; sequence of letters APPYH HURSDAYT without writing it down say them back in the same sequence you won't remember them.
Now try HAPPY THURSDAY Same letters but associated with something you will never forget the sequence of letters.
-Students were asked to remember words such as giraffe and elephant there was a list of 30 words one study group had to count the vowels of each word. the others had to associate the animal.
-Short term memory only lasts about 20 to 30 seconds
- Afterward, those who counted the vowels only remember 5/30 words. Those who associated the animal remembered 10/30. Twice as many.
18. Share in YouTube, Anchor.fm or Medium.
19. Highlighting books.
20. Remembering (Recollection).
21. Taking notes
-Notes are vital
-The first moment after class you should sit down on your notes and expand on everything you jotted down to give it depth and flush out the useless information.
If you wait till later on it's guaranteed you will forget some of your notes/concepts attached to it. Give yourself a heads up so you can recollect it and remember it by going over your notes right away
-If you forget a concept or don't understand it on one of your notes after class, ask someone in your class. Or even ask your teacher to go over it and give you more examples.
22. Active Recitation.
- The best way to learn is to teach someone. If you can't teach someone, teach yourself in your mirror empty chair etc. It reinforces your learning.
If the person you're telling doesn't understand the concept and they ask you and you don't know then you don't understand the concept and should try to learn it again. To reinforce your learning.
-Writing it out in your own words helps as well.
- 80% of your study time is best reciting and 20% reading
23. Study from books (SQ3R = Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review)
-Go through the chapter look at the pictures beforehand. Raise questions on what you are looking through and reading by Surveying the chapter. This will cause you to look for answers.
-Before a test should be review only. If you study early and apply the above principles you will be reviewing and learning instead of cramming and trying to memorize.
24. Mnemonics (Acronyms, Coin Sayings, Interactive Images)
Easier then rote memorization and help more.
Sayings : Righty tighty lefty loosey
Interactive image is best of all